Anaheim Convention Ctr, Halls A-D

Tuesday, February 27 - Thursday, February 29, 2024

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Hand Carry Information

  • Definition of Hand Carry - is material that can be hand carried by only one person through the main entrance of a facility during move-in and move-out that weighs less than 200lbs.

  • Hand carry does not include the use of the following items listed below and is Not Acceptable for personal use. The following items are prohibited and can not be used to transport any hand carry material during the move-in and move-out of the trade show by an exhibitor or their exhibitor appointed contractor (EAC).

  • Teamsters Union Local #986 has jurisdiction through a labor agreement with Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) for the loading and unloading of all trucks, trailers and common and contract carriers as well as the handling of empty crates and the operation of material handling equipment. It also has the jurisdiction of the unloading, uncrating, unskidding, leveling, painting and assembly of machinery and equipment as well as the reverse process.

  • GES has the responsibility of receiving and handling all materials and empty crates. It is our responsibility to manage docks and schedule vehicles for the smooth and efficient move-in/move-out of the trade show. GES will not be responsible for any material it does not handle.

  • An exhibitor may "hand carry" material provided they do not use material handling equipment to assist them. When exhibitors choose to "hand carry" material, they may not be permitted access to the loading dock/freight door areas.