Natural Products Expo East / All Things Organic™ BioFach America

Baltimore Convention Center

Thursday, September 13 - Saturday, September 15, 2018

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

The Exhibitor Service Kit Reference Guide

While coordinating an exhibition may seem like a daunting task, this document will help you navigate and explain what is in the Exhibitor Services Kit, help you with move in and move out procedures, and give you the framework for putting together a successful show.

How to Navigate the Exhibitor Services Kit

The Exhibitor Services Kit, also known as the ESK, is your guide to ordering items for your booth, shipping your materials to the show, and viewing rules & regulations. Here is a section by section summary of how to navigate the ESK.

ESK Homepage

The ESK homepage includes information on booth inclusions, quick links to important and frequently used items, important dates and deadlines as well as the links to order forms for all official vendors.

Show Information

The Show Information tab is the starting point for all basic show specific information. Be sure to read through the Welcome Letter and Important Dates and Deadlines in this section as a starting point to planning.
  • The Important Dates and Deadlines is a one stop shop for all the discount deadlines in a handy organized page.
  • Need to register for badges or secure a hotel room? Links are available on the Home Page!

Regulations & Guidelines

The Regulations & Guidelines tab includes all show polices, booth regulations, venue regulations, and safety information. It is critical to read this section in its entirety prior to planning your Exhibit to ensure a successful experience.
  • Show Regulations & Guidelines include general rules & regulations of the entire exhibition. You can find regulations on animals, age restrictions, rules about booth activities and events, sound level rules, photography/videography rules, and much more.
  • Booth Regulations & Guidelines will tell you what you can and cannot do when building and designing your booth structure and layout. If you want to know how high your booth structure can go, how tall your sign can be, whether or not you are allowed to have a hanging sign, etc.
  • Fire Rules & Regulations are different for each facility. It is important to know regulations concerning usage of items such as open flames, cooking devices, hazardous materials, and compresses gasses as well as flame retardant requirements for your booth materials. You will need to follow both show fire regulations and facility regulations. You will find them under the Regulations & Guidelines tab under Fire Regulations..
  • Union Rules also must be observed concerning moving your booth materials in yourself, when you are required to hire labor for installation and dismantling your booth, and when electrical or forklift labor are required and can be found under the Show Site Work Rules/Union Jurisdiction Regulations.

Booth Furnishings & Accessories

  • Most shows require some sort of floor covering. Be sure to check the ESK Homepage under ‘What’s Included in a Standard Booth’ for show requirements. If flooring is required, you can provide your own or rent carpet from GES through this tab. You can also order carpet, tables and chairs, as well as other accessories such as wastebaskets and shelving.
  • Booth Packages can save you time and money by combining items for a reduced rate.
  • Graphics & Signage can be ordered as well as shell schemes and hard wall booths.

Inbound & Outbound Targeted Freight

This section contains Inbound & Outbound Targeted Freight information that is critical for a successful show site experience.
  • Shows with a Targeted Move-In have assigned move in times for each exhibitor. It is critical that each exhibitor know their move in date and time to save money. You will find your target move in information under the Move-In/ Move-Out Information & Target Floorplan tab.
  • Shipments received off target will be assessed an off-target fee that is a percentage of your total material handling charge for the shipment.
  • Be sure to read the Inbound & Outbound Targeted Freight document while planning your shipping to and from show site. These documents contain information that can save time and money during the planning process.

Hand Carry/Cartload & Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV) Services

This section contains information on how to move-in your materials if you plan on bringing them in yourself with your personal vehicle. It describes the differences between hand carry and cartload services and instructions of where/how to unload.
  • Information on when and where to unload your materials at the show site.
  • Cartload Service order forms
  • Instructions on how the Hand Carry/Cartload/Privately Owned Vehicle process works.

Shipping, Drayage, Material Handling & Access Storage

Use this section of the ESK to place orders for material handling, print shipping labels and view general information regarding material handling.
  • Be sure to fill out the Freight Service Questionnaire if you are planning to ship any freight to the event. This form lets GES know what materials to expect and will allow them to better assist you with your shipping needs.
  • Pre-print your address labels’ using the Print Shipping Labels tab to ensure all your freight is shipped to the correct booth space.
  • Get a shipping quote. Shipping through GES can save you time and money.
  • Create a pre-printed outbound Bill of Lading to speed up the move-out process by selecting the Pre-Printed Bill of Lading (BOL) & Outbound Labels Request form. Be sure to also review the Sample Outbound Bill of Lading with Instructions for tips on how to fill out the form.

Refrigerated & Frozen Storage

This section contains information on how to ship your refrigerated or frozen products to the show site.
  • Instructions on how the Refrigerated & Frozen Warehouse Shipping process works and when you need to ship your cold product. NOTE: you may be shipping to a location other than the Convention Center – see Refrigerated & Frozen Storage shipping labels.
  • If you need storage for your cold product during the event, you will find the ordering forms under the Refrigerated & Frozen Storage tab. You will order space by the cubic foot by completing the Refrigerated & Frozen Storage Order Form located under Refrigerated/Frozen Storage Order Forms, Delivery Schedule & Shipping Labels.
  • If you have your cold product in storage and need to arrange to have it delivered to your booth, you will need to complete the Refrigerated & Frozen Order From, Cold Storage Labor/Delivery Order Form and the Cold Storage Delivery Schedule.
  • If you need to ship your cold product to the show site, there are separate Shipping Labels also located under the Refrigerated & Frozen Storage tab.

Labor/Equipment, Hanging Sign & Rigging

Using this tab, you can place orders for hanging signs and Arial rigging, order union labor and equipment, submit your layout for sign placement and access a link to your Booth Approval Form.
  • All hanging signs must be approved by show management. GES will not hang any signs that have not been approved. Be sure to fill out the Booth Approval Form located in your Exhibitor Console prior to placing your orders
  • All hanging signs must be shipped to the Advance Warehouse prior to the event by deadline, located in the Hanging Sign - Advance Warehouse Shipping Labels tab
  • Be sure to review Booth Regulations & Guidelines before ordering a hanging signs, as not all exhibit space types are permitted to have them.
  • When preparing for the event you may discover the need to hire union labor for the installation and dismantling of your booth. Pricing and options for hiring labor can be found here.

Cleaning, Vacuuming & Porter Service

  • Vacuuming, carpet cleaning, floor waxing, and porter service (trash removal and wiping down of counters throughout the day) - If you are sampling in your booth, we highly recommend porter service! Keep in mind that waste baskets will NOT be emptied throughout the day without ordering porter service.


This section includes order forms for Utilities such as Electrical, Telecommunications & Plumbing.
  • If you need to plug-in a computer, lead retrieval unit, cell phone, lights for your display, a machine, or a showcase you will need to order electrical. Even if an outlet is placed behind your booth onsite, you must place an order to power the outlet. To figure out how much power to order, you can add up the total “Amps” on the tags of each item, or if you give the designated electrical provider a call, they can help you with figuring out how much power will be needed for the items.
  • Ordering Electrical Labor is only needed if you need a power drop located in a specific area of the booth (other than the back wall) or distributed under the carpet. Please note that any cords and supplies used during Labor will be added to your bill based on usage.
  • Plumbing can also be ordered under the Utilities tab if needed for your booth. For safety and liability, the specified contractor must handle these services.

Additional Show Services:

This section includes all other vendors outside of the general contractor.
  • Lead Retrieval/Badge Scanner allows you to capture leads generated at the show electronically as opposed to gathering business cards by hand and risk misplacing them.
  • Catering Menu/Sampling Guidelines is where you can order food and beverages for your booth, review the sampling guidelines and find the contact information for any catering questions you may have.
  • Security for your Booth is personalized in booth security above and beyond the perimeter security provided for the show.
  • Floral Arrangements can help to spice up your display, be sure all arrangements abide by booth height regulations.
  • Liability Insurance is required for all exhibitors. You may use your own carrier or our recommended vendor. All International exhibitors are automatically enrolled for U.S. Insurance with
  • Temporary Booth Staff can assist by working your booth during show floor hours. Exhibitor badges will be required for all temporary booth staff.
  • Lowes Refrigeration Catalog & Order Form if your product requires refrigeration or frozen storage you can review what is available and place an order.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EACs) & Third Parties

If you are hiring another company outside of the ones that we have included in the Exhibitor Services Kit (to help set-up your booth or deliver special equipment to your booth) that requires access to a booth during installation and dismantling, you will need to complete the information within this section.
  • This is a 2-step process:
    • The exhibiting company needs to fill out the Notice of Intent to Hire an EAC Form and the Agreement, Rules & Regulations between GES & EAC Form
    • The company you have hired (EAC) will need to submit a valid Certificate of Insurance to the general contractor.