Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas

Tuesday, March 11 - Thursday, March 13, 2025

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Rigging Information

Please note: Hanging Signs are NOT permitted in linear booths, static booths, or Perimeter Wall booth.

  1. Standard Booth: One or more (10x10) standard units in a straight line. Exhibit fixtures and components will be permitted to a maximum height of 8 ft.

  2. Perimeter Wall Booth: One or more (10x10) standard units in a straight line located on the outer wall of the exhibit floor. Exhibit fixtures and components will be permitted to a maximum height of 12 ft.

  3. Peninsula Booths: Four or more (10x10) standard units back to back with an aisle on three sides. Exhibit fixtures and components will be permitted to a maximum height of 12 ft. Hanging signs will be permitted to a maximum height of 16 ft.

  4. Island Booths: Four or more (10x10) standard units back to back with an aisle on four sides. Exhibit fixtures and components will be permitted to a maximum height of 20 ft. Hanging signs will be permitted to a maximum of 20 ft in island booths.

Any hanging sign requests must meet approval of Show Management. Show management reserves the right to reject any hanging sign or banner that does not adhere to the specifications above.

Suspended truss may not exceed 25 ft in height. Ground supported truss must follow the guidelines established in a, b, c, and d above. Truss may not exceed the dimensions of the booth space unless hanging points require such installation for safer installation. Lighting fixture pipes may not extend out further than 3 ft from truss. Counterbalance techniques must be employed to keep truss from twisting. Graphics or banners attached to truss cannot exceed the height guidelines established in a, b, c, and d, above.

Hanging sign and/or Lighting plot plans must be submitted to GES by the discount deadline date established on the hanging sign form. If sent electronically, plans should be submitted in .dwg format. Hard copies of hanging sign or lighting plot plans should be received by the established discount deadline date. Plans submitted in this format should be sent to: and copy