Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas

Tuesday, March 11 - Thursday, March 13, 2025

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Notice of Intent to Hire an EAC


This form must be completed by the Exhibitor only. An EAC cannot complete this form on behalf of the exhibitor.

Are You Hiring an EAC?

An exhibitor appointed contractor (EAC), sometimes interchangeably referred to as an independent contractor, is a company other than the general or official service provider for the show that requires access to your booth during installation and dismantling. The EAC may only provide services in the facility not designated by the facility or VAI Show Management as "exclusive" to a designated provider.

Exhibiting companies MUST notify VAI Show Management AND GES of the exhibitor’s intent to use an EAC by Friday, February 7, 2025. To notify VAI, please click here (LINK TBD). Each EAC must submit valid evidence of insurance coverage (as outlined below) to by Friday, February 7, 2025.

Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that each EAC they intend to use in conjunction with the show maintains sufficient coverage and provides necessary documentation to VAI Show Management and GES. No EAC will be allowed to access the show floor or work in an exhibitor's booth unless both VAI Show Management and GES have received, and approved, the proper paperwork and proof of insurance.

Each EAC must have all licenses required under federal, state, and local laws or regulations, as well as any permits required by the convention facility, prior to accessing the show floor or commencing work.

Each EAC shall maintain all necessary insurance coverages for EACs and any other individual or entity, including subcontractors, the EAC retains for activities related to VERTICON 2025, for the entire duration of VERTICON 2025 (license period: Thursday, March 6, 2025 to Saturday, March 15, 2025 local time.)

No EAC will be allowed to work in an exhibitor's booth if this Notice of Intent to Use EAC and Policies and Procedures form, a valid Certificate of Insurance, copies of the necessary endorsements, and the Agreement, and Rules and Regulations between GES and the EAC form is not completed by an authorized representative of the exhibiting company and received by GES by the deadline indicated above. This Notice of Intent to Use EAC and Policies and Procedures form must be completed for EVERY third party (as well as any other third party ordering or requesting services from GES on behalf of Exhibitor) at the above show. Multiple booths are not to be listed on one form.

Please add any EAC company information you plan to hire.


Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Information 1:
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Information 2:
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Information 3:

This form will only be accepted if it is executed by an authorized representative of the exhibiting company, and must include:

Submit NOI - Exhibitor
Exhibitor must complete the Notice of Intent ("NOI") to Use EAC form and return thirty (30) days prior to move-in to allow EACs time to submit the relevant documentation. The EAC cannot sign the NOI on your behalf, this must be signed by the Exhibitor leasing the exhibit booth space. Once your NOI is submitted, please inform your EAC to access the EAC Agreement and Rules and Regulations form on Expresso: EAC Agreement and Rules and Regulations

Submit Agreement and Rules and Regulations - EAC
EAC completes the Agreement and Rules and Regulations between Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) and EAC. The document has a link at the bottom which allow the EAC to follow to access GES' vendor, CERTFOCUS BY VERTIKAL’ website to register, pay a $21 fee and upload a valid COI.

Submit COI - EAC
EAC will register, pay the $21 fee and upload a valid, compliant COI. CertFocus by Vertikal will review the COI for all levels of compliance and will communicate directly with EAC regarding acceptance status.

EACs with multiple booths on shows: If EAC is working multiple booths at a show, please complete ONE Agreement and Rules and Regulations between Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) and EAC and list all booth names and numbers on the one agreement. By doing this you will only be required to submit one (1) COI for all booths and one (1) Agreement for all booths contracted to your company for that show.

Master National Agreement: Please note that GES has a program for EACs to negotiate a Master National Agreement where per contract, only one COI will be required annually for all booths and all shows where GES is responsible for collecting COIs. Additionally, individual show Agreements and Rules and Regulations between GES and EAC will not be required. Please email for more information.

A valid certificate of insurance and copies of the necessary endorsements adding the specified parties as additional insureds, providing waivers of subrogation, and stating the EAC’s insurance is primary and non-contributory prepared by the EAC’s insurance agent with the minimum coverages as set forth in the Agreement and Rules and Regulations between GES and EAC.

****Please note that a COI must be submitted to CertFocus by Vertikal no later than fourteen (14) days prior to move-in. If this deadline is missed, EACs will be required to submit late COIs directly to GES and will be assessed a $100 administrative Fee.

All Certificates of Insurance must be uploaded through CertFocus by Vertikal here: and emailed to VAI:

By typing here you agree that GES shall have no liability to any party for damage or injuries caused by exhibitor or its third party agents. It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to provide its EACs with all show rules and regulations as set forth in the exhibitor space lease and the Exhibitor Services Manual. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and defend GES for the actions of its agents and exhibitor appointed contractors. The Exhibitor agrees that it is ultimately responsible for all services in connection with the exhibit, including freight, rentals and labor. Exhibitor agrees to be responsible for any losses, damages or injuries that are caused by or attributed to EACs that are not covered or provided by EAC's insurance.

 Yes, I agree to all Rules and Regulations.