Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas

Tuesday, March 11 - Thursday, March 13, 2025

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Agreement and Rules and Regulations between GES and EAC


I’m sorry, the deadline to fill out this form has passed. Please Contact Us if you have questions.

The undersigned Exhibitor Appointed Contractor ("EAC") has been designated by an Exhibitor to perform certain services for the Exhibitor at the above referenced show. In consideration of the show organizer and Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) permitting the EAC to perform such services at the show, the EAC and GES hereby agree as follows.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) Information:

Exhibiting Company Information:

Please review the Rules and Regulations below and submit your agreement at the bottom of the page.

Rules and Regulations

  1. EAC agrees to comply with all rules and regulations of the show as outlined in this agreement, the Exhibitor Kit/Services Manual, including all union rules and regulations, and accept liability for any negligent actions.
  2. EAC agrees that it must ascertain and comply with all rules and regulations of the venue, Show Management, and/or the Official Service Provider in order to create a safe work environment. A failure to do so can result in a delay or termination of your right to continue work if the condition cannot be corrected.
  3. EAC agrees that the show site, dock and surrounding areas are active work zones and the EAC, its agents, employees and representatives are present at their own risk. Entry into the dock area is prohibited.
  4. EAC must have all business licenses and permits required by the State and City governments and the convention facility management prior to commencing work. A certificate of insurance naming GES as an additional insured with appropriate insurance limits prepared by the EAC's insurance agent must be submitted to GES at least 30 days prior to the first date of move in.
  5. This Agreement and Rules and Regulations between GES and EAC must be completed by an authorized representative of EAC and returned to GES before the deadline noted above.
  6. If the EAC fails to provide the documentation required in paragraphs 4 and 5 above, the Exhibitor will be required to use GES for such services at the prevailing rates set forth in the Exhibitor Kit/Services Manual.
  7. EAC shall provide, if requested, evidence to Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) that it possesses applicable and current labor contracts and must comply with all labor agreements and practices. The EAC must not commit or allow to be committed by persons in its employment any acts that could lead to work stoppages, strikes or labor problems.
  8. EAC will be responsible for all reasonable costs related to its operation, including overtime pay for stewards, restoration of exhibit space to its initial condition, etc. Where applicable, a one hour minimum labor charge will be charged at the appropriate steward rate of pay per day/per union to either the EAC/Exhibitor depending upon the billing arrangement set up with GES. (Based upon EAC not number of booths)
  9. The show aisles and public spaces are not part of the Exhibitor's booth. Therefore, EAC is required to confine all activities to the exhibit space of the Exhibitor who has given a valid order for services. Exhibitors may be charged for costs related to movement of its property if the EAC does not contain its operations within the confines of the booth. No service desks, storage areas or other work facilities will be located anywhere in the building. The show aisles and public space are not a part of the Exhibitor's booth space and must be kept clear at all times.
  10. During show hours only EACs with exhibit badges will be permitted on the exhibit floor. No EAC will be permitted on the exhibit floor during show hours without the proper Convention name badge supplied by the exhibiting company. EAC must furnish Show Management and GES with the names of all on-site employees who will be working on the show floor and ensure that they have and wear identification badges at all times necessary as determined by Show Management.
  11. EAC has uploaded certificates of insurance through CertFocus by Vertikal, confirming the following required insurance:
    • Commercial General Liability Insurance covering all operations by or on behalf of the EAC with a limit of at least one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) per person and three million U.S. dollars ($3,000,000) per occurrence. The policy shall include coverage for Bodily Injury (including death), Broad Form Property Damage, and liabilities arising out of Premises, Operations, Independent Contractors, Products/Completed Operations, Personal & Advertising Injury, and Contractual Liability. The policy shall also include Damage to Rented Premises and Fire Legal Liability.
    • Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance covering owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles with a minimum combined bodily injury (including death) and property damage limit of one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) per accident. Such insurance shall include coverage for loading and unloading hazards.
    • Workers’ Compensation Insurance, in the amount required by law, covering all the EAC’s employees and agents (EAC shall require all contractors to also obtain Workers’ Compensation Insurance as required by law); (b) Employers’ Liability Insurance with limits of at least one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) for any one accident, one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) for disease each employee, and one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) disease limit.
    • Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance of at least one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) annual aggregate covering all General Liability, Automobile Liability, and Employer’s Liability policies. The policy shall be on a following form basis with respect to all underlying coverages. The EAC is responsible for payment of any retention or deductible.
      All coverage specified above shall be on a primary and non-contributory basis; and each insurance policy shall be issued by a carrier authorized in the State of TX and acceptable to VAI.
    • The EAC’s insurance shall name as additional insured and hold harmless, without any restrictive modifications, the following entities and their officers, officials, directors, representatives, agents, and employees: VAI, the State of TX, GES, and any other necessary party/parties required by VAI Show Management. For the purposes of this paragraph, the terms "State of TX" shall include all authorities, boards, bureaus, commissions, divisions, departments, and offices of the State of TX and the individual members, employees, and agents thereof in their official capacities, or while acting on behalf of the State of TX.
    • The EAC’s insurance shall also provide for a waiver of subrogation in favor of the aforementioned parties and their officers, officials, directors, representatives, agents, and employees.
    • The EAC shall provide VAI with certificates of insurance as well as copies of the endorsements adding the specified parties as additional insureds, providing waivers of subrogation, and stating that the EAC’s insurance is primary and noncontributory no later than Feb 6, 2025. All insurance certificates and endorsements must be in a form reasonably acceptable to VAI and should be emailed to
    • In the event of cancellation or non-renewal of insurance, the EAC shall provide VAI with at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice, and ten (10) days’ prior written notice of cancellation if cancellation is for nonpayment of premium.
    • VAI reserves the right to review and/or modify these insurance requirements at any time.
    • Each insurance policy shall be issued by a carrier authorized in the State of TX.
    • Vertical Aviation International (Show Management), VERTICON 2025 (Show) and Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (Facility) as additional insureds on a primary and non-contributory basis per the attached sample certificate of insurance. Umbrella follows form.
  12. EAC agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Show Management, the Facility and Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) harmless from and against any and all claims, lawsuits, demands, liability, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, arising out of EAC’s operations, including supervision of GES provided labor. EAC also agrees to reimburse GES for all attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with any and all claims, lawsuits and counterclaims that should arise out of EAC’s failure to adhere to the terms of this agreement.
  13. Solicitation of business on the show floor is strictly prohibited. If EAC attempts to provide services designated to another party as "exclusive" or is discovered soliciting on the show floor including the distribution of official company literature, or otherwise does not comply with the rules, the company may be removed from the show floor, and the Exhibitor will not be able to use that company for the remainder of the event.
  14. EAC/ Exhibitor may not move freight from one booth to another booth, or to meeting rooms. Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) must provide labor.
  15. EAC must coordinate all of its activities with Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES).
  16. The Exhibitor or its EAC should order services required from GES and the Exhibit Hall in advance. Ordering labor or services onsite (which contractors may not be prepared to provide immediately) may delay the set-up of your booth or force your set-up into overtime.
  17. The Exhibitor or its EAC should take steps to protect the Exhibitor and the EAC’s product in the booth by arranging for booth security and/or cages. GES is not responsible for items left unattended on the show floor.
  18. EAC agrees GES is not responsible for any items stored in empty containers. Do not store empty cartons inside of empty crates. Cartons are returned from storage before crates so Exhibitors may begin packing their product.
  19. EAC/Exhibitor agrees to keep "No Freight Aisles" clear at all times. If GES is required to rearrange any material situated in a clearly identified "No Freight Aisle," the Exhibitor or the EAC depending upon the billing arrangements with GES will be charged a one hour minimum for forklift rental and labor.
  20. EAC/Exhibitor agrees that all outbound freight bills should be turned into the service desk on a timely basis. Holding freight bills until late in the day or turning in large amounts of freight bills to the GES Servicenter at one time may delay outbound truck scheduling and subsequently force your loading out into overtime.
  21. During tear down, pull all manageable structures back from aisle carpet lines. Electronics, mannequins, etc. should be placed in the center of the booth.
  22. Be aware of vehicle traffic inside and outside of the facility. All attendees should be aware of their surroundings and all individuals are solely responsible for their own safety in parking lots, driveways, access roads and non-exhibit hall areas.
  23. Label empty cartons and crates for storage as soon as they are ready. Holding back on "empties" only adds congestion to the aisles.
  24. For services such as electrical, plumbing, telephone, cleaning and drayage, no service provider other than the Official Service Provider will be approved. This regulation is necessary due to licensing, insurance and work done on equipment and facilities owned by parties other than the Exhibitor. Exhibitors shall provide only the material and equipment they own and those materials are to be used only in their exhibit space.
  25. Smoking is prohibited in most facilities. Smoking shall only be allowed in designated areas.
  26. This agreement is to be interpreted under the laws of the State of Nevada.
  27. Checking the box below will stand as a fully executed agreement once submitted to Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES).

By typing here you agree that Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) shall have no liability to any party for damage or injuries caused by exhibitor or its 3rd party agents.

 Yes, I agree to all Rules and Regulations.