Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas

Tuesday, March 11 - Thursday, March 13, 2025

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Request Priority+ Empty Returns Stickers


This request form is for one booth at a time to request Priority+ Empty Returns Stickers.
  • There is a limit on how many stickers each exhibitor can purchase. These limits vary by show and availability.
  • Exhibitors must purchase one (1) sticker per crate. Maximum crate size per sticker is 48x60x96 inches.
  • Completing this request form does not guarantee that there is availability to accommodate the request.
  • Upon completion our representative will reach out confirm availability and place your order.
  • Priority+ empties will be returned to the booth within 90 minutes after all aisle carpet has been removed.
  • Priority+ Empty Return label is the only label that should be applied. Do not apply any other return stickers to the empty freight items as this may lead to delivery timing issues.

Please provide the information below:


If yes, what is your company name?*
  • If you are an EAC and seeking to purchase Priority+ Empty Return Stickers for more than one exhibitor booth, please complete this form for each exhibitor booth which Priority+ stickers are being requested.

Priority+ Information

  • With the understanding that each show is different, exhibitor sticker cap is typically between 3-5 stickers.
  • Sticker prices are $160 if purchased in advanced. If quantities remain available, stickers can be purchased at show site for $200.
  • GES does not provide replacement Priority+ Empty Return Stickers. Therefore, we ask for 3 show site contacts who authorized by you to collect and sign for the Priority+ Empty Return sticker acknowledgment of receipt.

Sticker Owner 1

Sticker Owner 3

Sticker Owner 5

Sticker Owner 2

Sticker Owner 4

Sticker Owner 6


Important - Please ensure you click "Submit" for GES to receive your request for Priority+ Empty Return. Our representative will review your request shortly and contact you to confirm Priority+ Empty Return sticker availability for your booth and zone. If available, the representative will also process your order confirmation at that time.