AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition, A Professional Development Forum

Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Monday, October 14 - Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Hanging Sign Information

Please Note: GES handles all hanging signs under 200lbs. Signs exceeding 200lbs. are assembled by GES, inspected, and attached to truss and motors. Truss and motors are ordered and installed through Hi-Tech and can be found under Additional Show Services.

Please order Hanging Signs by the Thursday, October 3, 2024 deadline date. By ordering in advance you will help us assure your sign is properly assembled and installed.

GES is responsible for assembly, installation and removal of all hanging signs. Please contact GES.

  • All signs will be reviewed for structural integrity pre-show show and during installation. Signs deemed unsafe will be denied installation.
  • GES reserves the right to request a stamped engineered drawing.
  • The installation of signs weighing 200 lbs or more may require the use of an additional high lift, and or hoists/truss.
  • Make sure all signs, except for cloth banners and signs under 100 lbs. have structurally engineered rigging points.
  • Modular systems used for signage must be installed with approved manufacturer's hanging hardware.
  • All signs must be designed to comply with Show Organizer rules, regulations, and facility limitations.
  • If your sign requires electricity, make sure it is in working order and in accordance with the National Electric Code. Refer to Utilities section to place your order for electrical services and electrical labor.
  • Include exhibitor contact information with the order.
  • Include assembly and hanging instructions with the order. GES accepts no liability for any work completed without such instructions, when required. Work is done at exhibitor's risk and exhibitor shall indemnify and defend GES and Show Organizer from any claims arising out of or related to the installation or dismantle of any sign without approved drawings.

Shipping Instructions

Hanging signs should be received in advance at the Warehouse by Thursday, October 3, 2024. Please ship all hanging signs in a separate container with the special sign label provided on the Labels page. Mark bill of lading "Hanging Sign." Prepay all shipments. Collect shipments will not be accepted.

Reminder: To receive the discount price, you must complete and submit the following by Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Any order received incomplete, rates will be changed to reflect when the complete order has been received, Regular and Show site rates may apply.

  • High Lift for Hanging Signs/Rigging Labor Order
  • Must ship Hanging Sign to Advanced Receiving
  • Must supply Hanging Sign Instructions and Layout for placement
  • Payment and Credit Card Charge Authorization

Helpful Ordering Tips

  1. Order by the Discount Deadline Date to save! Be sure to submit payment along with your order on or before the deadline to secure Discount pricing.
  2. Be sure to complete the following information below to avoid delays or additional cost:
    • Send your sign to the GES advance warehouse. Please have the sign in its own container or box separate from your other freight and clearly labeled HANGING SIGN.
    • Make sure you are providing the correct dimensions and weight of your sign.
    • Elevation - what is your desired elevation of your sign (Number of feet from floor to top of the sign) This must follow the Show Organizer rules and regulations.
    • Is your sign electrical or non-electrical? (Rotating motors are considered electrical signage)
    • Pick Points - number of structural pick points on the sign.
    • Floorplan - you must submit a floorplan indicating placement of your sign within the booth to include adjacent booth numbers for orientation.
    • Approval - When applicable, make sure you have submitted for approval to show management/ GES. This information will be stipulated in the GES online ordering site/Show Management tab.
    • Select a date and time for installation/removal of your sign. You also have the option to select "OK to Proceed" without your supervision. Completed instructions, sign delivered to our advance warehouse and all hardware must be provided, and GES' goal will be to hang your sign prior to your arrival or selected date and time.
  3. Structural Engineered drawings - if applicable or requested by GES, you may need to provide a stamped drawing indicating the weight and location of the rigging points. GES reserves the right to not hang any signage/structure that in our opinion is not deemed structurally sound.