IEEE - Photovoltaic Specialist Conference

Tampa Convention Center

Monday, June 17 - Thursday, June 20, 2013

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Fire Regulations

Cooking Information
A Cooking Notice form must be obtained prior to any on-site cooking, and/or food warming activities on the premises. Cooking Notice forms can be obtained via the OCCC Event Services division, which are then submitted for review and approval by the Orange County Fire Marshal’s office.

The use of cooking appliances must be disclosed on the Cooking Notice form. Each exhibit using cooking or food warming devices may be subject to an individual inspection. Cooking devices must be separated from the public by at least four feet, or by a substantial barrier between the devices and the public. In addition, a K-Class fire extinguisher must be in the cooking location, within thirty (30) feet of fryers and a 2A40BC fire extinguisher must be within thirty (30) feet of all cooking appliances. All fire extinguishers must be properly charged and tagged by a licensed fire extinguisher contractor.

Events involving cooking or food preparation must provide an appropriate number of utensil clean-up areas. Disposal of cooking residue into the OCCC drainage system is prohibited. Lessee shall provide holding tanks for disposal of all cooking residue (oil, grease, etc.) The OCCC has grease barrels and portable sink units available at the prevailing rates. Lessee shall also comply with all Orange County Health Department rules and regulations.

Permitted Cooking Appliances Must Meet The Following Conditions

  • Equipment fueled by small heat sources (such as sterno).
  • Flaming sword or other equipment involving open flames and flaming dishes provided that precautions (subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal) are taken. Prior approval from the Fire Marshal is required.
  • Portable butane-fueled appliances (listed and approved for commercial use) with a maximum of two 10 oz. non-refillable containers.
    Please Note: The containers must be connected directly to the appliance. Manifolding of the cylinders is not permitted. The maximum number of stored butane containers is limited to 24. Prior approval from the Fire Marshal is required.
  • Listed and approved ventless self-contained exhaust systems with an automatic suppression system that complies with NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations. Prior approval from the Fire Marshal is required.
  • Cooking Appliances that Require Automatic Suppression and/or Flue Connection:
    • Fryers
    • Grills, Ranges, Griddles, Broilers, Chain-broilers
    • Ovens

    Please Note: A fire watch may be provided in lieu of automatic suppression and/or flue connection with prior approval from the Fire Marshal

Covered Booth Guidelines (Less than 300 Square Feet)
Please See Multi Level Guidelines Information Sheet

Facility Emergency Equipment

  • Fire fighting and emergency equipment may not be hidden or obstructed, including fire extinguishers, strobes, fire hose cabinets and standpipes.
  • All emergency exits, hallways and aisles leading from the OCCC must be kept clear and unobstructed.
  • Fire lanes must be maintained at all times on the loading dock.

Flame Resistance Information

  • All woodwork, stage scenery, furnishings, decorations and sets used upon a working permanent or temporary stage, or within an exhibit, shall be coated or treated by approved methods to render them flame resistant.
  • All fabrics, films, draperies, curtains and similar furnishings must be flame resistant as demonstrated by testing in accordance with NFPA 701 Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films.
  • Acoustical and decorative material including, but not limited to, cotton, foamed plastic, hay, paper, straw, wood chips, mulch, split bamboo and thatch must be treated with a flame-retardant.
  • The use of Styrofoam products for set construction is not permitted.
  • Documentation of flame resistance must be available for review upon request. Additional flame retardant treatments shall be applied in accordance with the appropriate product direction.

Gas Information

  • The Exhibitor shall not bring upon the premises any exhibit, equipment or vehicle that, in the judgment of the OCCC, would be, or might be, dangerous to persons or property or otherwise incompatible with the structure, systems and furnishings. Hazardous chemicals and materials, including, but not limited to, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, flammable and combustible liquids, hazardous gases, pressure cylinders and tanks, and hazardous chemicals (including oxidizers) are prohibited inside the OCCC.
  • Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, combustible gases and other flammable liquids may not be stored (permanently or temporarily) in the OCCC during an event or its move-in and move-out activities.

Gas - Compressed/Inert

  • Compressed inert gases may be used provided the vessels are stored in a safe manner and the OCCC Event Services division has been notified regarding their intended use and preferred storage location. Demonstrations involving inert gases must comply with all federal and

Inert Gas Cylinders

  • Compressed gas cylinders may not be stored on dock areas or the exhibit floor during “move-in” or “move-out”.
  • Compressed inert gas cylinders may be located in an exhibit space after “move-in” is complete. Cylinders must be properly secured at all times.
  • Introduction of all other compressed liquids and gases into the building is prohibited without prior approval from the Fire Marshal.

Gas – Natural

  • Equipment utilizing natural gas shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 54, Natural Fuel Gas Code.
  • Supply lines will be turned on approximately one (1) hour prior to posted show hours and shut off one (1) hour after the end of each show day, by OCCC Event Utilities staff.
  • A ceiling (rigging) drop is required for natural gas orders in exhibit halls. Exhibitor fee information and ordering information can be obtained from the Event Services division or via our website @ Please Note: Exhibitors placing natural gas orders are to provide a “Service Placement Plot” drawing depicting exact placement of the requested line drop.

Gas – Liquid Petroleum (LP)

  • Non-refillable cylinders with a capacity of nominal 1 lb.
  • The use of portable butane fueled appliances listed for commercial use, up to maximum of (2) 10 oz. containers, is permitted with prior approval of the Fire Marshal.
  • The use of nominal 5 lb. Liquid Petroleum containers, when installed in the OCCC by the Event Utilities division, is permitted with prior approval from the Fire Marshal. A mandatory fire watch is required.
  • Multiple nominal 5 lb. Liquid Petroleum containers, when installed in the OCCC, must be separated by a minimum of 20 feet. Storage of the Liquid Petroleum product must comply with NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code. A mandatory fire watch is required.
  • All Liquid Petroleum must be removed from the display area at the immediate close of show hours.
  • Any other Liquid Petroleum product not listed above is strictly prohibited.

Gas – Storage

  • Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, combustible gases (cylinders) or other flammable liquids may not be stored (permanently or temporarily) within the OCCC facility, or on dock areas, during an event or its move-in and move-out.

Hazardous Chemicals

  • The Exhibitor shall not bring upon the premises any exhibit, equipment or vehicle that, in the judgment of the OCCC, would be, or might
    be, dangerous to persons or property, or otherwise incompatible with the structure, systems and furnishings of the building. Hazardous
    chemicals and materials, including, but not limited to, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, flammable and combustible liquids, hazardous gases,
    pressure cylinders and tanks, and hazardous chemicals (including oxidizers) are prohibited inside the OCCC.
  • The Exhibitor is responsible for the removal of all hazardous waste and must comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations Hazardous waste includes materials that are ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic or a biohazard (as defined under 40 CFR 261 subpart C and D). If materials are questionable, contact OCCC Exhibitor Services for more information. Costs or applicable administrative expenses incurred by the OCCC for the removal of hazardous waste left in, or about, the OCCC will be assessed to the Exhibitor.

Multi-Level Exhibits & Covered Booths Over 300 Square Feet
Please See Multi Level Guidelines Information Sheet

Open Flame, Pyrotechnics and Special Effects
Open Flame

  • Open Flame and Flame Effects must comply with NFPA 160 – Standard for Flame Effects Before An Audience.
  • Depending on the intended use of an open flame product, a Special Effects permit may be required. (Consult the OCCC Exhibitor Services division for further information and approval by the Orange County Fire Rescue Department.)
  • A demonstration of the open flame device may be required at the discretion of the Orange County Fire Marshal, while on OCCC premises.
  • Depending on the intended use of an open flame product and the demonstration of an open flame device, a fire watch may be required.


  • All candle flames must be enclosed and protected at all times.
  • Candles may be used on tables if securely supported on a substantial noncombustible base and located in a position to avoid danger of ignition of combustible material.
    The OCCC Exhibit Services division and Orange County Fire Rescue must be notified in advance on the intended use of candles and candle product.
  • Pyrotechnics must comply with NFPA 1126 Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience.
  • A pyrotechnics permit is required. (Consult the OCCC Exhibitor Services division for further information and approval by the Orange County Fire Rescue Department.)
  • A demonstration of the pyrotechnics display may be required at the discretion of the Orange County Fire Marshal.
  • A mandatory fire watch will be required. A fire engine stand-by may be required, per the discretion of the Orange County Fire Marshal’s office.

Special Effects – Fog & Hazers

  • The use of fog and haze machines for lighting and theatrical effects is permitted within the OCCC, provided that the fog/haze fluid used in those machines is water-based. The use of non-water-based fog/haze fluid, specifically with an oil-based composition, is prohibited.
  • Orange County Fire Rescue guidelines will apply to the use of fog and haze machines and their interactions with OCCC building safety devices and/or detectors. Please consult the OCCC Exhibitor Services division for additional information regarding the use of fog and haze machines within the facility.

Special Effects - Lasers

  • Lasers must comply with Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64E-4 Control of Nonionizing Radiation Hazards, NFPA 115 – Standard for Laser Fire Protection, and Florida Department of Health, State Bureau of Radiation regulations.
  • A Laser Permit from Orange County Fire Rescue Department is required. In order to apply for this permit, the requestor must provide information about the proposed laser light show that includes classification of the lasers; sketches indicating the location of the lasers, operators, performers, viewers, beam paths, viewing screens, walls, mirror balls and other reflective or diffuse surfaces which may be struck by any and all laser beams, including scanning beam patterns, scanning velocity and frequency in occupied areas.
  • For open air shows where a laser beam is projected into the sky, requestor must submit basic beam information of intended laser use and a copy of the notification provided to the federal Aviation Administration.
  • All lasers must be registered with the Florida Department of Health, State Bureau of Radiation. A separate registration is required for each location of intended use. Out-of-state lasers brought into the state for temporary use require notification to the Florida Dept. of Health, State Bureau of Radiation.
  • The Laser Safety Officer must establish and supervise a program of laser radiation safety for compliance with all applicable rules.
  • Laser system users and staff must be trained on fire safety features prior to the lasers first use and at least annually thereafter.
  • Staff members must be trained in the use of portable fire extinguishers.
  • All training must be documented and available for review.

Permit Overview/Including Cooking Information
Special permits or notices are required for event activities and exhibits that involve cooking, pyrotechnics, tents, multi-level or covered exhibits, and/or potentially hazardous situations. Appropriate permit applications or notices for the following activities must be made to the Office of the Fire Marshal, at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the event move-in:

  • The display and operation of any unusual electrical, mechanical or chemical device that may present a hazard. The device, its application and the operation must be approved the Fire Marshal.
  • The display or operation of any heater, barbecue, open flame, candles, lamps, torches, etc.
  • The use or storage of flammable liquids, compressed gasses or dangerous chemicals as determined by the Fire Marshal.
  • The display or operation of a laser. A permit is required from Orange County Fire Rescue Department. Proper notification to the Florida State Bureau of Radiation is required. (See previous page for laser regulations and restrictions.)
  • Any pyrotechnics, fireworks or special effects display or process.
  • Any unusual use of a motorized vehicle inside an enclosed structure.
  • Any special cooking requirements, including cooking inside of ballrooms, convention areas and/or display areas.
  • Multi-level exhibit booths.
  • Tents or covered exhibits in excess of 300 square feet erected inside the host facility.
  • Tents erected OUTSIDE the OCCC building premises will require a permit issued by the Orange County Building Department.


  • The show’s security provider must conduct a mandatory vehicle inspection of each vehicle, prior to their entry into the exhibit hall.
  • All fuel tank openings shall be locked and sealed to prevent escape of vapors. Fuel tanks may not contain more than one-half capacity or ten (10) gallons of fuel whichever is less.
  • At least one battery cable must be removed from the battery used to start the vehicle engine. The disconnected battery cable must be taped.
  • Battery charging is not permitted in the exhibit hall, at any time.
  • Converters may not be used in lieu o f a battery to power the ignition source.
  • Batteries used to power auxiliary equipment are permitted to be kept in service.
  • Fueling or de-fueling of vehicles is prohibited.
  • Vehicles may not be moved during show hours, unless the OCFR Fire Marshal approves the movement in advance and a Fire Watch is in place.
  • Motor Homes, boats and similar exhibited products with over 100 sq. ft. of covered area must be protected with a listed smoke alarm.


  • Welding and/or cutting equipment is prohibited in the OCCC except as part of an exhibit and must be approved by the Orange County Fire Rescue Services Department through the OCCC Event Services division.