Newtopia Now

Colorado Convention Center

Monday, August 26 - Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Official Service Provider Information

Official Service Provider

The Show Organizer, acting on behalf of all Exhibitors and in the best interests of the exposition, has appointed Official Service Providers to perform and provide necessary services and equipment. Official Service Providers are appointed to:

  • Ensure the orderly and efficient installation and removal of the overall exposition.
  • Assure the distribution of labor to all Exhibitors according to need.
  • Provide sufficient labor to satisfy the requirements of Exhibitors and for the exposition itself.
  • See that the proper type and limits of insurance are in force.
  • Avoid any conflict with local union and/or exhibit hall regulations and requirements.

The Official Service Providers will provide all usual trade show services, including labor.

Exceptions are:

  1. Supervision may be provided by the Exhibitor.
  2. The Exhibitor may appoint an independent exhibit installation contractor or display builder.

In both such instances, GES shall have no liability to any party for damage or injuries caused by Exhibitor or its third party agents. Exhibitor is responsible for the actions of its third party contractors.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractor

Exhibitors may employ the service of independent contractors to install and dismantle their display, providing the Exhibitor and the installation and dismantling contractor comply with the following requirements:

  1. The Exhibitor must notify Show Management in writing and GES of their intention to use an independent contractor no later than 30 days prior to the first move-in day furnishing the name, address and telephone number of the firm.
  2. The Exhibitor shall provide evidence that the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor has proper insurance by submitting a certificate of insurance prepared by the "Exhibitor Appointed Contractor's" insurance agent with a minimum of coverage and limits as described below.
    1. Commercial General Liability with limits of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and $2,000,000 products & completed operations aggregate.
    2. Umbrella/Excess Liability with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence.
    3. Workers Compensation, as required by law, with Employers Liability Limits of not less than $1,000,000 each accident, $1,000,000 disease - each employee and $1,000,000 disease - policy limit.
    4. Automobile Liability with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit - each accident.
    5. The Commercial General Liability Policy shall name GES (Official Service Provider), Newtopia Now (Show) and Colorado Convention Center (Facility) as additional insureds on a primary and non-contributory basis.
  3. Any Exhibitor who has engaged an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor must ensure that the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor has a current Certificate of Insurance on file with GES or Show Management evidencing the correct coverage at least 10 days prior to the first move-in date for the show or the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor will be prohibited access to the facility to perform any work.
  4. Customer acknowledges that the show site and surrounding areas are active work zones. Customer, its agents, employees and representatives are present at their own risk. For your own safety and that of your employees, be aware of the following:
    1. Do not enter dock areas in search of empty crates. Entry into these areas is at your sole risk.
    2. During tear down, pull all manageable structures back from aisle carpet lines. Electronics, mannequins, etc. should be placed in the center of the booth.
    3. Be aware of vehicle traffic inside and outside of the facility. All attendees are solely responsible for their own safety in parking lots, driveways, access roads and non-exhibit hall areas.
  5. For services such as electrical, plumbing, telephone, cleaning and drayage, no service provider other than the Official Service Provider will be approved. This regulation is necessary due to licensing, insurance and work done on equipment and facilities owned by parties other than the Exhibitor. Exhibitors shall provide only the material and equipment they own and is to be used in their exhibit space.
  6. Exhibitor Appointed Contractor compliances:
    1. Must agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the show as outlined in this exhibitor site information including all union rules and regulations.
    2. Must have all business licenses, permits and Workers Compensation Insurance required by the State and City governments and the convention facility management prior to commencing work. A certificate of insurance complying with all requirements in paragraph 2 above must be submitted to GES at least 10 days prior to the first date of move in.
    3. Will be responsible for all reasonable costs related to its operation including, but not limited to, overtime pay for stewards and restoration of exhibit space to its initial condition.
    4. Must furnish Show Management and GES with the names of all on-site employees who will be working on the exposition floor and see Management.
    5. Shall be prepared to show evidence that it has a valid authorization from the Exhibitor for services. The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor may not solicit business on the exhibit floor.
    6. Must confine its operations to the exhibit area of its clients. No service desks, storage areas or other work facilities will be located anywhere in the building. The show aisles and public space are not a part of the Exhibitor's booth space and must be kept clear. Exhibitors may be charged for costs related to movement of its property if the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor does not contain its operations within the confines of the booth.
    7. Shall provide, if requested, evidence to GES that it possesses applicable and current labor contracts and must comply with all labor agreements and practices. The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor must not commit or allow to be committed by persons in its employment any acts that could lead to work stoppages, strikes or labor problems.
    8. Must coordinate all of its activities with GES.
    9. Must comply with all reasonable rules and regulations of the venue, Show Management and/or Official Service Provider in order to create a safe work environment. A failure to do so can result in a delay or termination of your right to continue if the condition cannot be corrected.
    10. May not move freight from one booth to another booth, or to meeting rooms. GES must provide labor.
  7. Finally, all information required must be received in the GES office no later than 10 days prior to the show.