Booth Approval: ALL booths, regardless of booth type, are required to submit their booth diagrams or pictures for approval by Monday, August 21, 2017. The Booth Approval Form can be found here.
Carpet/Flooring: All booths REQUIRE carpet/flooring. (Carpet is not included with booth space, it can be rented through GES here or exhibitors can bring their own flooring.) Tabletops do not required carpet or flooring.
Storage: Fire regulations prohibit storage behind drapery. 1 day's storage can be in the booth, additional storage must be ordered from GES here at an additional cost. |
Booth Types
Tabletops: Tabletops are 2ft W x 6ft L x 42in H (.61m W x 1.83m L x 1.07m H). The table top is your ONLY display space.
- Expo East Tabletop: Tabletop display areas are set in and around the Exhibit Show Floor.
In-line Booth: In-Line booths have only one side exposed to an aisle and are generally arranged in a series along a straight line. (8ft x 10ft, 10ft x 10ft, 10ft x 20ft, etc.) (2.43. x 3.05m, 3.05m x 3.05m, 3.05m x 6.10m, etc.)
In-line Booth: Generally arranged in a straight line with neighboring exhibitors on their immediate right and left leaving only one side exposed to the aisle. Individual booths may be combined to form a larger In-Line booth space.
Corner Booth: In-Line booth exposed on two sides with an immediate neighbor on one side (all guidelines for In-Line booths apply).
Perimeter Wall Booth: In-Line booth, on the main show floor only, that backs to an outside wall of the exhibit facility rather than to another exhibit (10ft x 10ft) (3.05m x 3.05m). (Please confirm with Show Management.) *Only applies to the main show floor (not ballrooms/foyers).
Block Booth: Six or more In-Line booths with a purchased aisle in between (contact your account managers for details). Booth blocks are permitted to carpet the entire contracted space, including the aisle if the aisle has been purchased.
Peninsula Booth: Exhibit with two or more standard booths (10ft x 10ft) (3.05m x 3.05m) with aisles on three sides. There are two types of Peninsula Booths.
Peninsula Booth: Backs up to another Peninsula Booth, the two booths share a common back wall drape 8ft 3in (2.5m) high.
Island Booth: Exhibit space enclosed by aisles on all four sides of the booth space. Island booths do not include drapery. Drapery can be ordered at an additional cost from GES if needed.
Pop-Up Tent: Pop-Up Tents are collapsible frames with four legs and a canvas cover.
Pop-Up tents are not allowed.
- Hanging Signs: See booth space for details.
- Lighting/Truss Hanging truss or suspending lights from facility ceiling requires approval.
*PLEASE NOTE: Due to the ceiling heights at the Baltimore Convention Center, it will not be possible to rig/hang in some areas.
- Exhibitors must also comply with the Show Rules and Regulations in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
Note: Exhibitors will be asked to remove any exhibits not in compliance with these guidelines. Items will be stored at exhibitor’s expense.
Additional questions or clarification should be directed to your Client Services Specialist.
Please remember building fire hoses, extinguishers, and audible or visual devices for fire alarms should be visible and accessible at all times.
Rules and Regulations are subject to change.
- Exhibits must be constructed with enough space to allow for utility service at the rear of booth(back drape, rails, power drop).
- Hanging signs are not allowed in In-Line Booths.
- Pop-Up Tents are not allowed.
- Front of booth - no items over 4ft (1.22m) in height can be within 5ft (1.52m) of aisle (red area of diagram) as it blocks sight line.
- Rear of booth (maximum of 5ft (1.52m) from the back drape in a 10ft x 10ft (3.05m x 3.05m) booth or maximum of 4ft (1.22m) in an 8ft x 10ft booth (2.43m x 3.05m) cannot exceed 8ft 3in (2.5m) in height.
- Any signage or side wall facing the neighbor cannot have any logo or identification facing the neighboring booth. Any side wall must be finished carpentry.
- Any portion of an exhibit over 8ft 3in (2.5m) is not allowed and will have to be moved or removed.
- When three or more In-Line booths are used in combination as a single exhibit space, the 4ft (1.22m) height limitation is applied only to that portion of exhibit space which is within 10ft (3.05m) of an adjoining booth.
- Exhibits must be constructed with enough space to allow for utility service at the rear of booth (back drape, rails, power drop).
- Hanging signs are not allowed in In-Line Booths.
- Pop-Up Tents are not allowed.
- Front of booth - No items over 4ft (1.22m) in height can be within 5ft (1.52m) of aisle (red area of diagram) as it blocks sight line.
- Rear of booth (maximum of 5ft (1.52m) from the back drape) cannot exceed 12ft (3.65m) in height.
- Any signage or side wall facing the neighbor cannot have any logo or identification facing the neighboring booth. Any side wall must be finished carpentry.
- Any portion of an exhibit over 12ft (3.65m) is not allowed and will have to be moved or removed.
- When three or more In-Line booths are used in combination as a single exhibit space, the 4ft (1.22m) height limitation is applied only to that portion of exhibit space which is within 10ft (3.05m) of an adjoining booth.
- Design your booth so that it can be used either at the 8ft 3in (2.5m) height or the 12ft (3.65m) height, so that it will not have to be reconstructed if a 12ft (3.65m) perimeter-wall space is not available at a future show.
- Only applies to the main show floor (not ballrooms/foyers).
- Exhibits must be constructed with enough space to allow for utility service at the rear of booth (back drape, rails, power drop).
- Pop-Up Tents are not allowed.
- No items over 4ft (1.22m) in height can be within 5ft (1.52m) of aisle next to the neighboring booth.
- Rear of booth (maximum of 5ft (1.52m) from the back drape) cannot exceed 8ft 3in (2.5m) in height.
- Any signage or side wall facing the neighbor cannot have any logo or identification facing the neighboring booth. Any side wall must be finished carpentry.
- Any portion of an exhibit over 8ft 3in (2.5m) is not allowed and will have to be moved or removed.
- When three or more In-Line booths are used in combination as a single exhibit space, the 4ft (1.22m) height limitation is applied only to that portion of exhibit space which is within 10ft (3.05m) of an adjoining booth.
- Aisle Use: Exhibitors purchasing a booth block are permitted to carpet the aisle with their own logo carpeting. Aisles must remain clear to allow for traffic flow.
- Hanging Signs are allowed with approval.
- Exhibits must be constructed with enough space to allow for utility service at the rear of booth (back drape, rails, power drop).
- No Pop-Up Tents allowed.
- Hanging signs must be set back 10ft (3.05m) from the adjacent booth and no higher than 20ft (6.10m) from top of sign to the floor. Booth height may not exceed 16ft (4.88m).
- Booths share a back wall drape of 8ft 3in (2.5m) high.
- Any signage facing the neighbor (behind) cannot have any logo or identification facing the neighboring booth.
- The back wall of any booth must be finished carpentry on the back side facing other booths.
- Hanging Signs are allowed with approval.
- Exhibits must be constructed with enough space to allow for utility service at the rear of booth (back drape, rails, power drop).
- Pop-Up Tents are not allowed.
- Hanging signs must be set back 10ft (3.05m) from the adjacent booth and no higher than 20ft (6.10m) from top of sign to the floor.
- Sixteen feet (16ft) (4.88m) is the maximum height allowance, including signage for the center portion of the back wall (where ceiling heights permit).
- When an End-Cap Peninsula Booth backs up to two In-Line booths, the back wall is restricted to 4ft (1.22m) high within 5ft (1.52m) of each aisle, permitting adequate line of sight for the adjoining In-Line booths.
- The back wall of any booth must be finished carpentry on the back side facing other booths. Any signage facing the neighbor (behind) cannot have any logo or identification facing the neighboring booth.
- The center portion of the structure may extend from the back of the booth to the aisle.
- Hanging Signs are allowed with approval.
- Exhibitors are prohibited from installing roofed or multi-story exhibit booths (double-deck) without advance written approval from Show Management and Fire Marshal.
- Hanging signs are allowed with approval.
- Booth structure cannot exceed 16ft (4.88m) in height.
- Hanging sign cannot exceed 20ft (6.10m) in height from the top of the sign to the floor.
All multi-Story exhibits, regardless of whether people will occupy the upper area or not, and all exhibit fixtures and components exceeding 16ft (4.88m) in height, must have drawings available for inspection at all times. Please review all facility rules and regulations regarding multi-story booths on page 10 at
Canopy / Ceiling Regulations
Exhibitors are cautioned when installing a display with a ceiling or canopy to check with the Fire Department to insure that their display meets with the necessary fire safety precautions involving smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, etc. All canopies, false ceilings and roofs must be approved by Show Management & Fire Marshall. Umbrellas are prohibited. Review the building rules and regulations on page 10 at
Pop-Up Tents are collapsible frames with four legs and a canvas cover. Pop-Up tents are not allowed.
Hanging Signs and Ceiling Rigging
Hanging Sign Regulations
Hanging signs will only be permitted in Booth Blocks, Island Booths, Peninsula Booths and End-Cap Peninsula Booths (20x20 or larger). Hanging signs are not permitted over In-Line Booths, 10x20 End-cap Peninsula Booths or Tabletops.
Signs hung without approval will be removed at the exhibitor's expense.
Definition: An exhibit component suspended above or displayed on top of an exhibit for the purpose of displaying graphics or identification.
Height: Hanging identification signs and graphics will be permitted to a maximum height of 20ft (6.10m) (where ceiling heights allow) from the top of the sign to the floor. Hanging signs must be set back 10ft (3.05m) from adjacent booths.
Intent: Hanging signs are part of the overall exhibit presentation. All identifying signs, whether suspended from the ceiling (hung) or attached to the exhibit fixture (ground supported), will be permitted to a maximum height of 20ft. Booth structure may not go higher than 16ft unless solely used for supporting an identifying sign in lieu of hanging from the ceiling.
Lighting/Truss: Exhibitors intending to use hanging light systems should include those items when submitting drawings for approval. No overhead lighting is allowed outside the boundaries of the exhibit space.
Please contact GES to order rigging and confirm service availability. All Hanging Signs must be shipped to GES advanced warehouse prior to the event to receive discount pricing. Signs shipped direct to show site may not be able to be hung. Click Here for Pre-Printed Shipping Labels.