Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar & Expo

George R. Brown Convention Center

Sunday, June 5 - Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV)

  • Exhibitors may hand carry what one person can carry in one trip, provided they do not use any material handling equipment, such as forklifts, flatbeds, dollies, etc.
  • Cartload service saves wear and tear on your staff and you get assistance from your car to your booth unloading exhibit or non-perishable materials. Return the Cartload Service Order Form to request this service.
  • Everyone entering the show floor must have the appropriate badge or wristband before they will be allowed onto the show floor. Stop by IDDBA Registration for a wristband or your badge (required for show floor access).
  • Product that needs to be taken to cold storage is subject to a labor charge for each access to and from the refrigerated/freezer trailers.
  • A privately-owned vehicle (POV) is defined as a car, small van, station wagon, or truck (one ton or less) that is not a company owned or rented vehicle. Any and all company or rental trucks, vans, trailers or vehicles pulling any type of trailer will be redirected to a dock, at which time GES will be in charge of unloading.
  • Due to the space requirements for move-in, all rules for POVs must be complied with. Any violation may cause the person in violation to be removed from the building, and/or exhibiting company’s booth to be closed at the discretion of Show Management.
  • POVs are required to check-in with GES at the marshaling yard:
    1901 Ruiz St.
    Houston, TX 77002
    Follow the POV signs at the George R. Brown Convention Center. They will direct you to the POV check-in desk.

    POV Hours are:
    Fri., June 3, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    Sat., June 4, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
    Sun., June 5, 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
    Tues., June 7, 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
    You will be directed to an unloading area.

    Prior to Friday, June 3, and after Sunday, June 5, POVs will be required to check-in at the same marshaling yard office, but unloading will be based on availability of a dock.
  • POVs are required to check-in at the marshaling yard and then will be given a 20 minute dock parking pass. Any delivery requiring longer than 20 minutes will need to be unloaded by GES at the appropriate material handling fee. Violating vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense and/or fined.
  • Exhibitors should proceed directly to the marshaling yard trailer. Be prepared to answer:
    -company name
    -booth number
    -piece count
    -type of freight
    -estimated weight of freight
    -provide a business card or company ID
  • Everyone entering the show floor must have the appropriate badge or wristband before they will be allowed onto the show floor. You can get a wristband at the marshaling yard, or by stopping by IDDBA Registration.
  • POVs must not be left unattended at the loading areas.
  • POVs not using cartload service must have two people in the vehicle. One to deliver the goods to the booth and one to stay with the vehicle. Any unattended vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense and/or fined.

Loading Docks

  • All freight and exhibit materials entering the building through designated loading docks must first obtain a dock pass from the marshaling yard.
  • Privately Owned Vehicles (POV's, such as cars and minivans) with material to be hand carried must check in at the marshaling yard and will be issued a 20 minute dock pass. Exhibitors are not allowed on the docks at any time unless unloading a POV.
Note: IDDBA and GES control loading dock access, at all times.