California Association of Science Educators

SAFE Credit Union Convention Center

Friday, November 8 - Saturday, November 9, 2024

Order GES Services by Thursday, October 17 for Best Pricing

Fire Regulations

Administration Offices
1030 15th Street, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 264-5291
FAX (916) 264-7687


The Following are the Sacramento Fire Department’s minimum fire safety requirements, which are applicable to ALL trade shows and exhibits.

  • All aisles and exits as designated on the approved floor plans shall be clear and free of all obstructions.
  • All aisles shall be a minimum of 10' in width.
  • A cross aisle shall be incorporated into all floor plans.
  • Fire extinguishers are to be maintained in a readily accessible and visible location. A three foot path shall be maintained by direct access.
  • Wet standpipe hose cabinets, fire extinguisher locations, exits, exit lights, and fire alarm sending stations shall not be concealed, in whole or part, by any decorative material.
  • All electrical hook-ups are to conform to the National Electrical Code.
  • Electrical hook-ups CANNOT be made from the distribution panels located in the overhead fan rooms (Exhibit Halls C-D-E)
  • All methods of electrical hook-up must have prior approval of the Event Services Section.
  • All wiring and cables which cross public access (aisle ways etc.) must be bridged or taped and matted.
  • Electrical feeder and branch circuits are not to be supported whereby such support would cause damage to the building.
  • Batteries shall be removed, or battery cables shall be disconnected from all motor powered vehicles displayed, and vehicles shall contain only 1/4 tank of fuel. All fuel tanks shall be furnished with a locking type gas cap or sealed with tape. Garden tractors, chain saws, power plants, and other fuel powered equipment shall be safeguarded in a similar manner.
  • All tents, awnings, canopies and/or other enclosed structures must display a “California State Fire Marshall” seal indicating that the material(s) used are flame retardant. Additionally, a fire extinguisher must be prominently displayed within the confines of the exhibit. Any/all exceptions to this must have advanced specific written authorization from the Sacramento Fire Department.
  • All decorations, drapes, curtains, signs, banners, acoustical material, moss, split bamboo, plastic cloth, Christmas trees, and similar decorative materials shall be rendered flame retardant. Hay and straw bales must be rendered flame retardant.
  • Table coverings must be treated with a flame retardant chemical, unless they lie flat with an overhang of not greater than six inches.
  • Oil cloth, tar paper, sisal paper, nylon, Orlon, and certain other plastic materials cannot be made flame retardant and their use is prohibited.
  • Documentation of fire retardation must be present on-site.
  • No open flames are allowed anywhere in the SCC, with two exceptions: Classique Catering has small decorative votive candles which have been approved by the Sacramento Fire Department. Sterno containers, used for warming food samples, are allowed with prior approval.
  • A person shall not use within the SCC any heating, lighting, or cooling appliance which uses a class 1 liquid (gasoline, white gas, alcohol, etc.)
  • A person shall not store any flammable liquid inside the SCC.
  • Permits for the following shall be requested not less than ten days in advance of the show. Requests are to be directed to SCC Management in conjunction with the Sacramento City Fire Department:
  • Display and operate any heater, barbecue, heat producing device, lamps, lanterns, torches, pyrotechnics, etc. To display or operate any electrical, mechanical, or chemical device which may be deemed hazardous by the Sacramento City Fire Department.
  • Literature on display must be limited to reasonable quantities. Reserve supplies must be kept in closed containers and stored in a neat and compact manner.
  • A minimum of three copies of accurately scaled floor plans of the show shall be submitted to the Event Services Section, SCC, at least three months prior to the opening of the show or exhibits. Plans shall include the size and location of all aisles, exits, exhibits, booths, registration area, and other displays. Please check with the Event Services Section to determine concession stand locations BEFORE designing floor plans. Plans requiring changes will be returned for corrections. One copy of the approved plans will be returned to the sender; FINAL SETUP SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH APPROVED PLANS ONLY. Do not assign exhibit space until plans are approved.
  • Any questions regarding these requirements should be directed to the Event Services Sections, SCC at (916) 264-5291.

Sacramento Fire Department
1231 I Street, Suite 401
Sacramento, CA 95814-2979

Fire Prevention Bureau
(916) 264-5480