Affiliate Summit West

Paris Las Vegas

Sunday, January 7 - Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Warehouse Storage Information

“Full Service” Advantages After The Conference
Keep Your Exhibit Materials at the GES Warehouse
Avoid Double Loading and Unnecessary Shipping Costs

GES now has available storage space at the GES warehouse:

  • Receive and hold your equipment and/or exhibition materials.
  • Provide delivery services for outbound shipping and/or local delivery.
  • Facilitate interstate shipping.
  • Coordinate labor installation and dismantling services for conferences, including supervision.

Additional services are available, at a cost, through our Creative Services Department to refurbish materials between conferences.

Special Conference to Conference Storage Rates: Applies to local GES Conferences in the Las Vegas area.

     Storage, Special Rate as contracted (includes Transportation back to the local GES Facility and handling fees.)
     $78.00 cwt. (1000 lb. minimum)

     Monthly Storage (Short term storage, less than next show occurrence. Does not include Return to Warehouse charges):
     $7.50 cwt.

Return to Warehouse:

     Transportation to warehouse after conference, includes warehouse handling
     $20.10 cwt. (1000 lb. minium)

Additional Warehouse Handling::

     Additional Warehouse Handling Fee (for multiple in and out moves)
     $9.50 cwt. (1000 lb. minium)

GES has warehouse facilities and services in many cities throughout the country. Contact us for information in your area.

All storage services are subject to GES' Terms and Conditions of Contract or Storage Agreement, whichever is applicable. Exhibitors must insure their own goods while in storage even if the storage is provided under a separate contractual agreement. Failure to pay storage fees in a timely manner will result in a lien against your property.