RE + Northeast​

Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel

Wednesday, February 23 - Thursday, February 24, 2022

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Fire Regulations

The information contained in this brief outline does not by any means cover completely the ordinances and regulations contained in the Boston Fire Code, but it does provide the basic rules governing concessions, exhibits and shows in any building open to the public.

  1. All curtain, drapes or decorations must be non-combustible or flameproof.
  2. Any merchandise or material attached to the drapes or table skirts must be non-combustible or flameproofed.
  3. Fire extinguishing equipment needs will be determined by the fire marshal and any such equipment must remain visible and accessible.
  4. Automotive vehicles and equipment may be displayed if:
    1. There is not more than 2 gallons of fuel of the minimum amount for positioning.
    2. Fuel tanks are locked or sealed
    3. Battery cables are disconnected
    4. Ignition keys are moved at display location
    5. Vehicle operation is limited to brief parade type displays specifically approved by the fire marshal.
  5. The storage of combustible shipping containers must be confined to the areas approved by the fire marshal.
  6. The use, display or storage of LPG, flammable liquid for flammable gas must be approved by the fire marshal in writing.
  7. NO SMOKING BY ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHAL signs must be posted and maintained in areas as designated by the fire marshal; where smoking is allowed, non-combustible ashtrays must be provided.
  8. The use of open flames, burning or smoke-emitting materials as part of an act, display or show is prohibited.
  9. Combustible waste is to be collected as it accumulates and be stored in non-combustible covered containers which are emptied at least once a day.
  10. The use of welding and cutting equipment for demonstration purposes must be by permit from the fire marshal.
  11. The use of compressed gas cylinders must be approved by the fire marshal and cylinders must be firmly secured in an upright position.
  12. All commercial type cooking appliances shall be equipped with ventilation hoods and approved automatic extinguishing systems. All other cooking devices shall have adequate separation from combustible materials by spacing or non-combustible shielding.
  13. The use of any gas fired appliances must be approved by the fire marshal; the use of salamander stoves is prohibited.
  14. Sawdust and shaving shall be kept flameproofed.
  15. The storage of hay and straw must be approved by the fire marshal.
  16. Electrical equipment must be installed, operated and maintained in manner which does not create a hazard to life of property.
  17. Submit plans to the fire marshal before erecting a structure as a display inside an exhibit building unless the decorative and construction materials are noncombustible or flameproof.

These are Basic Rules and every exhibit must comply prior to scheduled opening.