Payments MAGnified

Hyatt Regency Dallas; Marsalis Hall B

Wednesday, February 21 - Thursday, February 22, 2024

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Fire Regulations

This checklist provides some of the basic regulations governing the operation of Exhibit Hall Occupancies. It is not possible to cover all regulations. If you have a particular question or concern, please telephone or FAX the Fire Department. The initial inspection is conducted at no charge. There is no charge for one re-inspection. The second re-inspection is subject to a $30.00 fee, with all re-inspections after the second, subject to a $60.00 fee.

  1. Plans
    1. Detailed floor plans must be submitted to Fire Prevention Education and Inspection at least 15 days prior to the scheduled opening of the show. It is not necessary to show the details of individual booths.
    2. If a structure is to be erected as a display inside an exhibit building, plans showing the details of the structure must be submitted to Fire Prevention Education and Inspection at least 5 days prior to the scheduled opening of the show.
  2. Exit door shall be maintained in proper working order and unlocked at all times the building is occupied. Exit ways shall be clear of obstructions. Dead-end corridors longer than 20 feet are prohibited.
  3. Directional exit marking and exit signs shall be in accordance with the Building Code.
  4. Curtains, drapes, or decorations shall not visually or physically obstruct exit doors, exit signs, fire alarms, hose, cabinets, standpipes, fire extinguishers, or any other life safety equipment at any time.
  5. Exit doors shall not be blocked or obstructed from outside the building by vehicles, barricades, or otherwise.
  6. Vehicles shall not be parked in designated fire lanes at any time.
  7. Compressed gas cylinders shall be secured to prevent cylinders from falling or being knocked over.
  8. "NO SMOKING" signs shall be posted throughout those areas designated by the Fire Marshal where smoking is prohibited.
  9. In areas where smoking is permitted, on each table and at other convenient locations, approved non-combustible ashtrays or match receptacles shall be provided.
  10. Drapes, curtains, table skirts, and other decorative materials shall be flame retardant.
  11. Unless they are flame retardant, combustible materials, merchandise, or signs shall not be attached to, hung from, or draped over flame retardant side and rear divider draperies of booths, or attached to table skirting facing the aisles.
  12. Hay and straw used for decoration shall be flame retardant or covered with a flame retardant tarpaulin, otherwise, it must be stored and maintained in a manner approved by the Fire Marshal.
  13. Sawdust and shavings shall be maintained flameproof at all times.
  14. Approved fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided in all areas designated by the Fire Marshal.
  15. Combustible shipping containers shall be stored in an area, and in a manner, approved by the Fire Marshal.
  16. Open flames, and burning or smoke-emitting materials, shall be used as part of an act, display or show only under permit from, and prior approval of, the Fire Marshal.
  17. Combustible waste shall be collected as it accumulates, and stored in non-combustible, covered containers, which are emptied as necessary, but as a minimum at the close of each day.
  18. Each exhibitor shall provide an approved non-combustible, covered container, with an approved cover, for daily accumulation of waste material.
  19. Heating devices shall be installed in accordance with the Building and Mechanical Codes.
  20. Electrical wiring of a temporary nature shall be installed in accordance with the Electrical Code.
  21. Commercial cooking appliances shall be installed in accordance with the Mechanical and Plumbing Codes, and be equipped with ventilation hoods and approved automatic extinguishing systems. All other cooking equipment shall have separation from combustible materials, or non-combustible shielding, as approved by the Fire Marshal.
  22. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) shall not be used inside buildings, tents, or in areas, except for demonstration by special permit issued by the Fire Marshal.
  23. All appliances and equipment fired by natural gas shall be approved by the Plumbing Inspector and/or Fire Marshal before being used.
  24. Welding and cutting equipment shall not be used for demonstration, except by special permit issued by the Fire Marshal.
  25. Use or demonstration of equipment using liquid fuel inside of buildings is prohibited.
  26. Flammable liquids and/or gases shall be displayed, stored, or used inside buildings only as approved by the Fire Marshal.
  27. Artificial lighting such as lanterns and candles shall be used only as approved by the Fire Marshal.
  28. Display of automobiles, trucks, tractors, and other vehicles using flammable fuels inside a building.
    1. Vehicles must be inspected by the Fire Marshal prior to entering the building.
    2. Fuel tanks shall contain no more than 5 gallons of fuel.
    3. All fuel tanks shall be locked or effectively sealed.
    4. Battery cables shall be disconnected from the ignition system.
    5. Ignition keys for display vehicles shall be kept by a responsible person, at the display location, for use in removal of the vehicles in the event of an emergency.
  29. Display of boats using flammable fuels inside a building.
    1. Fuel tanks shall be completely empty.
    2. All fuel tanks shall be locked or effectively sealed.
    3. Battery cables shall be disconnected from the ignition system.
  30. Display of helicopters inside a building.
    1. The maximum amount of fuel that is permitted in aircraft that is flown to the display site is the minimum reserve that is required by Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), subject to the following conditions.
      1. At least 15 days prior to the opening of the show, the Fire Marshal shall be provided with a list of all affected aircraft, specifying the make and model of the aircraft, type of fuel, the maximum capacity of the fuel tank, the FAR minimum reserve, and a description of the units in which the fuel is measured, i.e., pounds or gallons.
      2. A member of the show management shall be present during move-in to assist the Fire Department representative.
      3. Automotive traffic shall be prohibited from the aircraft landing area during the scheduled aircraft arrival/ departure time(s).
      4. The aircraft landing area shall be cordoned off.
    2. The power source on each aircraft shall be disconnected.
    3. The fuel filler caps on each aircraft shall be locked or covered with duct tape.
    4. Fuel tanks on aircraft that is not flown to the display site shall be empty.
    5. Approved fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided in area designated by the Fire Marshal.
    6. Aircraft defueling/fueling area shall be subject, but not necessarily limited to, the following provisions.
      1. Defueling/fueling operations shall be conducted a minimum of 50 feet from any building.
      2. The defueling/fueling area shall be cordoned off.
      3. Defueling/fueling shall be done only when the aircraft and dispensing unit are bonded and grounded as follows:
        1. A grounding cable shall connect the dispensing unit (fueling truck) to a ground.
        2. A grounding cable shall connect the aircraft to a ground.
        3. A bonding cable shall connect the dispensing unit to the aircraft
      4. The defueling/fueling area shall be approved by the Fire Marshal prior to beginning defueling/fueling operations.
      5. Aircraft heaters shall not be operated during defueling/fueling operations.
      6. No source of ignition shall be within 50 feet of the defueling/fueling area.
      7. Approved fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided in the defueling/fueling area.