Mandalay Bay Convention Center

Monday, February 12 - Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

WiFi Service


As a service to all participants of MAGIC, we are providing free WiFi. We have worked with multiple technology vendors to ensure that there will be proper bandwidth and coverage available for the event.

In exploring past performance issues around this service, we’ve discovered that the problems we have encountered are being caused by hotspots set up in the exhibit hall. In fact, our tech team mapped over 700 hotspots on the floor last season! These hotspots cause broadcast interference and shut out access to the WiFi for other users

Due to the degradation of show-wide WiFi service, the use of a hotspot is not allowed under show rules as it causes the WiFi to become ineffective. We ask that you not set up a hotspot with any of your equipment.

We will have a mapping team on the show floor and if they come across an active hotspot, they will require the owner to shut it down.

If your company needs more access than is readily available via the free WiFi, we suggest you order a hardline drop for your booth. This can be ordered through Mandalay Bay Exhibitor Services. The link to Mandalay Bay Exhibitor Services is or you can call (855)408-1349 for more information.

Please be kind to fellow show participants, and help keep free WiFi available for all!

Thank you,