Toronto International Boat Show

Enercare Centre

Saturday, January 18 - Sunday, January 26, 2025

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Notice of Intent to Hire an EAC

An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) is a company other than the "general or official" service provider on the show that requires access to your booth during installation and dismantling. The EAC may only provide services in the facility that are not designated by the facility as "exclusive" to a designated provider, or by the show organizer in a contract as an exclusive service for the "general or official" service provider or other third party.

If you are hiring an EAC please complete & submit this form, along with a valid Certificate of Insurance, to GES a minimum of 30 days prior to the beginning of the show. A separate "Notice of Intent to Hire an EAC" must be completed for every third party (as well as any other third party ordering or requesting services from GES on behalf of the exhibitor) at the show. Failure to complete a "Notice of Intent to Hire an EAC" may result in restricting the EAC's company personnel from working on the exhibit floor. The EAC may be required to hire installation and dismantling labour from GES and may be able to supervise the installation and dismantling only.

All companies are to abide by Canadian labour laws and governing union jurisdiction within the venue/facility.

Notice of Intent to Hire an EAC Submitted for:
Toronto International Boat Show

Exhibitor Information

Exhibitor Appointed Contractor

Signature & Agreement

By typing here you agree that GES shall have no liability to any party for damage or injuries caused by exhibitor or its third party agents. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to provide its EACs with all show rules and regulations as set forth in the exhibitor space lease and the Exhibitor Services Manual. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and defend GES for the actions of its agents and exhibitor appointed contractors. The Exhibitor is responsible for any losses, damages or injuries that are caused by or attributed to EACs that are not covered or provided by EAC's insurance.

 Yes, I have read and agree to the Rules & Regulations stated above.