ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo

Santa Clara Convention Center

Wednesday, September 20 - Thursday, September 21, 2023

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

PR & Marketing

You can download the event logo here.

We work hard as event organizers to build strong relationships with specialist trade press, as well as regional and national media, to make sure that our shows, and our exhibitors, get maximum exposure. We also encourage all exhibitors to join the PR and marketing campaign by taking a proactive approach before, during and after shows.

Generating PR ahead of the event

There are lots of opportunities for you as an exhibitor to showcase your products and services in the build-up to a show (please see the ‘Exhibitor Promotion’ page). To help, think about the following, and how it could be linked to your presence at the show:

  • Have you recently launched a new product, service or technology? Do you plan to do so at the show?
  • Has the company recently achieved a sales record, landed a contract win, or announced financial results?
  • Are there any special promotions you are currently running?
  • Has the company taken on any new members of staff or made any interesting recent investments?

Press packs and releases

All exhibitors should come equipped with a press release (minimum) or comprehensive press pack (ideal) for any media visiting your booth and for sharing with the show marketing and on-site show news team.

Interviews and press conferences

Exhibitions provide the perfect platform for direct contact with the media in your industry. Your company spokespeople should ideally be media trained, but at the very least should be well prepared and provided with a list of key messages to communicate during the event.

Interviews should be offered to the media – and set up – in advance of the event, in order to enable more precise planning. We can assist with this if required.

Exhibitions also present the perfect opportunity to organize a press conference. These can take the form of an informal media gathering on your booth, or a larger, formal presentation in dedicated facilities with full audio-visual support. We can assist you with press conference planning and media invitations if required.

Social media

If tweeting or posting about your participation at ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo California 2023 on social media, please use the event hashtag: #AVTExpoCA

You can also find us on Twitter: @avtexpousa, Linkedin and Facebook