Natural Products Expo West - North

Anaheim Convention Center North

Wednesday, March 5 - Friday, March 7, 2025

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Plumbing Services Information

Important Conditions and Regulations

  • All material and equipment furnished by GES for this service order shall remain GES property and shall be removed ONLY by GES at the close of the show.
  • Wall, column and permanent building utility outlets are not a part of the booth space and are not to be used by Exhibitors.
  • All equipment must comply with state and local safety codes.
  • Claims will not be considered unless filed by Exhibitor prior to close of exposition, no exceptions.
  • Prices are based upon current wage rates and are subject to change without notice.
  • Under no circumstances shall anyone other than “Plumbing Personnel” make service connections.
  • Special equipment requiring company engineering or technicians for assembly, servicing, preparatory work and operation may be executed without GES “Plumbing Personnel.” However, all service connections to such equipment must be made by GES “Plumbing Personnel” only.
  • All equipment using water must have inlet and outlet properly tagged.
  • Unless otherwise directed, GES “Plumbing Personnel” are authorized to cut floor coverings to permit installation of service.
  • Service outlet size will be determined by the volume required.
  • All work performed within booth attaching lines to equipment will be charged on a time and material basis in addition to connection fees.
  • A separate connection fee will be made for each piece of equipment using connected service, whether connected directly or otherwise.
  • GES must have 30 days notice in order to supply special regulators, strainers, traps, etc.
  • All booths include up to 100 feet of accomplished distance. Use of additional footage or equipment will be charged at the prevailing labor and materials rates.
  • GES Plumbing will not be responsible for sediment, color or taste of water in water line.
  • All cylinders must be firmly attached to exhibit. If cylinder must be made secure by contractor, a labor charge may be added.
  • A connection of a regulator to equipment will be subject to a 1 hour minimum labor charge plus materials at prevailing labor rates.

Compressed Air

  • Trade Show Electrical (GES) is not responsible for moisture, oil, or water in the lines, loss of pressure or excess pressure. GES Plumbing is the exclusive provider of compressed air for this event. The use of portable compressors are strictly prohibited. Only compressors that are part of an Exhibitor’s product display or installed as an integral part of an Exhibitor’s product will be allowed on the show floor. Exhibitors must supply their own filters, air dryers, or pressure regulators.


  • Pressure may vary. No guarantee can be made of minimum or maximum pressures. If pressure is critical, Exhibitor should arrange to have a pressure regulator valve or pump installed.


  • Laying of any lines under carpet, or other flooring, or spotting from ceiling will be an additional labor charge.
  • Equipment may be required to provide plumbing services in certain areas of the facility and will be an additional equipment labor billed for install and dismantle.


  • Discount rates apply if a complete order is received by the discount deadline date.
  • A complete order consists of:
    Complete valid Payment and Credit Card Authorization
    Order Plumbing Outlets
    Schedule Plumbing Labor
    Return Booth Layout for Plumbing
    Incomplete orders will be subject to change to regular on outlets and labor rates based on when complete order is received.
  • GES' liability for any and all loss or damage is limited to the value of the cost of plumbing services provided or depreciated value of goods, whichever is less.