International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques

JW Marriott Hotel - Los Angeles / L.A. Live

Wednesday, July 11 - Friday, July 13, 2018

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Fire Regulations

General Fire Prevention Regulations

Nothing may be taped, nailed, tacked or otherwise affixed to ceilings, painted surfaces, fire sprinklers, columns, fabric or decorative walls. All decorative materials must be flameproof in accordance with the public Safety and Fire Regulations. This includes drapes, banners, all decorative fabrics, poster paper, foam core boards, as well as all hanging, curtains, and drops, projection screens, plastics and all other decorative material, as well as all hanging, curtains, and drops, projection screens, plastics and all other decorative material.

Please abide by the following regulations:

  1. Display coverings and drapery must be flame resistant.

  2. Empty cartons and boxes must be removed from the hall prior to the opening of the exhibit and returned at the conclusion. Empty crates may not be stored behind drapes or under tables. Packing materials should be placed in the empty boxes.

  3. All aisles and fire exits must be clear at all times. Easels, signs, etc. may not be placed beyond the booth area into the aisles.

  4. No flammable or explosive substance will be permitted in the exhibit hall.

  5. Smoking is prohibited in the exhibit area, freight docks or public areas of the Convention facility. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas determined by the facility.

  6. No holes may be drilled, cored, or punched in the building.

  7. No painting or signs, displays, or other objects are permitted in the building.

  8. No adhesive-backed (stick-on) decals or similar items may be distributed or used in the building.

  9. Vehicles must have battery cables disconnected. The gas tank must either be taped shut or have a lockable gas cap and may contain no more than a quarter tank of fuel.

  10. No sample food and/or beverage products may be distributed by exhibitors without facility permission.

  11. No lighter-than-air (helium, etc) balloons are permitted in the building.

  12. No smoke machines, lasers or fog machines are permitted.