California Association of Joint Powers Authorities

Harrahs Lake Tahoe Casino Hotel

Tuesday, September 11 - Thursday, September 13, 2018

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Show Site Work Rules

Union Information

To assist you in planning your participation in your show, we are certain you will appreciate knowing in advance that union labor will be required for certain aspects of your exhibit handling.

Freight Handling Jurisdiction

Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) has the responsibility of receiving and handling all exhibit materials and empty crates. It is their responsibility to manage docks and schedule vehicles for the smooth and efficient move in and move out of the exhibition. Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) will not be responsible, however, for any materials they do not handle. Global Experience Specialists, LLC (GES) will have complete control of the loading docks at all times. If you wish to unload or load, you must report to the GES Freight Desk. Do not proceed to the docks until told to do so.


For services such as electrical, plumbing, telephone, cleaning and drayage, no contractor other than the Official Service Contractors will be approved. This regulation is necessary because of licensing, insurance, and work done on equipment and facilities owned by parties other than the Exhibitor. Exhibitors shall provide only the material and equipment they own and is to be used in their exhibit space.

In General

Craftsman at all levels must be instructed to refrain from expressing any grievances or directly challenging the practices of any exhibitor. All questions originated by labor are to be expressed only to SAFE ASSOCIATION and / or the Exhibit Manager. Exhibitors are asked to refrain from voicing labor complaints directly to craft personnel. Any questions regarding contract labor should be directed to the Exhibit Manager or SAFE ASSOCIATION.


Our work rules prohibit the SOLICITATION OR ACCEPTANCE of tips in cash, product or gifts in kind by any employee (union or non-union). Our employees are paid appropriate wages denoting professional status, therefore tipping of any kind is not allowed.

Work Zone

Customer acknowledges that the show site and surrounding areas are active work zones. Customer, its agents, employees and representatives are present at their own risk.

Always Honest Hotline

GES expects the highest standards of integrity from all employees. Please call our confidential Always Honest hotline at 800-443-4113 to report fraudulent or unethical behavior.