Natural Products Expo West - ACC

Anaheim Convention Center (Halls A-E)

Wednesday, March 5 - Friday, March 7, 2025

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

Move-Out Notice



Show Hours:
Wed. Mar. 5, 202510:00 AM To 6:00 PMExhibitor Access Only Hours starting at 7am
Thu. Mar. 6, 20259:00 AM To 10:00 AMACC Level 3 Buyer Only hour | Exhibitor Access Only Hours starting at 7am
Thu. Mar. 6, 202510:00 AM To 6:00 PMAll Exhibit Halls | Exhibitor Access Only Hours starting at 7am
Fri. Mar. 7, 20259:00 AM To 10:00 AMACC Halls A-E & Arena: Buyer Only Hour | Exhibitor Access Only Hours starting at 7am
Fri. Mar. 7, 202510:00 AM To 2:00 PMAll Exhibit Halls | Exhibitor Access Only Hours starting at 7am

Exhibitor Move-out:
Fri. Mar. 7, 20252:30 PM To 10:00 PM(Reference Outbound Target Floorplan for Driver Check-in Times)
Sat. Mar. 8, 20258:00 AM To 5:00 PM(Reference Outbound Target Floorplan for Driver Check-in Times)
Sun. Mar. 9, 20258:00 AM To 5:00 PM(Reference Outbound Target Floorplan for Driver Check-in Times)
Mon. Mar. 10, 20258:00 AM To 5:00 PM(Reference Outbound Target Floorplan for Driver Check-in Times)
Please refer to the Target Move-Out Floor Plan for when your freight carrier should arrive, and when you can begin dismantling.


Hall Clearance:
Mon. Mar. 10, 20255:00 PM 
Fri. Mar. 7, 202510:00 PMLevel 3 Exhibitors ONLY


Empty Return:
Please DO NOT offer gratuities to workers in an attempt to find your empties. To ensure your safety, exhibitors will not be allowed in the crate storage area. Please pull those parts of your displays you can easily handle and are closest to the aisles further into your booth space to help protect them. Please keep the aisles clear of debris to expedite this process and prevent trip hazards.

Safety and Security is our top priority. Watch for forklifts and moving vehicles. Do not leave valuable items unattended in your booth or when you are packed and ready to be loaded.

GES Logistics is the on-site carrier for all your shipping needs - ground, deferred, 2nd day and Next Day service available. Text GES on-site for details.

Shipping/Privately Owned Vehicles (cars, pickup trucks): is not an automatic process. If you plan to use a carrier other than GES Logistics, then you are responsible for making arrangements with that carrier. In the event that your designated carrier refuses to accept shipments or fails to pickup by the deadline, GES will have to re-route the shipment. No liability will be assumed by GES as a result of such re-routing or handling.

Invoice Settlement:
Take a moment prior to the close of the show to review and settle your invoices with all vendors.

Show breakdown can often be the most hectic portion of the show experience. Below are valuable tips which can make your show closing run as smoothly as possible:
  1. Pack freight once the show closes, not before.
  2. Label freight with destination address and cell phone # of contact.
  3. Contact carrier to verify pickup address and scheduled time.
  4. Shipping is not an automatic process. If you are using a carrier other than GES Logistics, you are responsible for planning with your carrier
    • When the show closes at 2:00pm, Friday, March 7, 2025, you may begin packing your booth properties. Early move-out is not permitted, as it is disrupting for neighboring booths who are trying to do business. It is also a breach of the show contract which may result in loss of privileges for future shows or a penalty fee.
    • Schedule staff departure times to allow enough time to pack the booth. Larger events may take over 6 hours to return packing materials.
    • As you are packing up, make sure to keep your items within your booth space and off the aisle. Security will be ensuring all attendees are off the show floor for safety reasons, so keep your digital exhibitor badge handy.
    • Once your booth properties have been packed, make sure they are labeled for shipping, including the full address of where the shipment is going. It is also recommended to include a cell phone # and contact name on the label as well. This can be helpful in the event of a shipping issue.
    • Once you have packed and labeled your freight, leave your freight in the booth space, and complete the Bill of Lading (BOL). Please make sure the information you place on the OMHF/BOL matches the carrier's name and shipping destination used when the driver checks in with GES. If the information doesn’t match, there may be a delay in your outbound shipment being processed.
    • PLEASE NOTE: GES will not accept your OMHF/BOL until after the show closes and your booth is completely packed up and ready to go.
    • PLEASE NOTE: Should you decide to use a small package carrier, i.e. UPS, FedEx, DHL, they may not pick up within the facility per move-out regulations. It is highly recommended that you do not leave these types of shipments in the booth, but rather transport them to a direct drop off/pickup location, such as the business center or your hotel. (Small package carriers do not pick-up on Sundays)
    • It is recommended that you stay with your freight until it has been picked up. However, should you leave your freight unattended, make sure to verify the pickup address and scheduled time with your carrier, as this may NOT be the address where you originally shipped your freight. All freight must be picked up at the exhibit location to avoid additional fees. Make sure your carrier knows the carrier check in time as well. Anything that does not have a carrier checked in for the freight will be shipped via GES Logistics or returned to the warehouse, depending on your selection on the OMHF/BOL.

To see the Move-in Notice: Click Here

GES National Servicenter:

Toll Free: (800) 803-2375

Or (702) 515-5970

We are committed to continuous improvement of our services. Our goal is to surpass your expectations of consistent, superior and quality service while promoting a safe work environment. It has been our pleasure serving you and we look forward to working with you again next year. If there is anything we can do to make your exhibition experience better, please let us know by completing the GES Online Survey that will be e-mailed to you after the show.