Natural Products Expo West - ACC

Anaheim Convention Center (Halls A-E)

Wednesday, March 5 - Friday, March 7, 2025

The deadline to order for this Show has already expired

How to Ship Refrigerated and Frozen Storage

GES will be using the Anaheim Convention Center to receive your product for cold storage starting on Sunday, March 2 - Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Use the shipping labels provided to you in the exhibitor kit. The labels are color-coded to ensure proper handling procedures. It is extremely important that shipments requiring refrigeration/ freezer space are identified clearly on the shipping bill of lading and that the correct color labels are used on the product containers. GES cannot take responsibility for improper paperwork or labeling.

Important Note: Do not send exhibit and dry materials with refrigerated/frozen product on the same pallet. They must be on separate pallets and correctly labeled to avoid added labor expense and spoiled product.

Dates March 2 - 4, 2025
Hours 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Anaheim Convention Center
1850 S. West St.
Anaheim, CA  92802
Refrigerated Product Use Pink Shipping Labels
Frozen Product Use Blue Shipping Labels
Perishable (non-refrigerated) Product Use Maroon Shipping Labels

***Additional charges will apply for shipments that have exhibitor freight & dry products combined with cold & frozen shipments.

Important Notes:

  • All drivers unloading or loading at the Anaheim Convention Center must first check in with GES at the GES marshalling yard. See Marshalling Yard Info.
  • Product may not arrive before 8:00 am on Sunday, March 2, 2025.
  • All shipments must have a Bill of Lading or delivery slip indicating whether the product is for refrigeration or freezer and the number of pieces and a certified weight certificate.
  • North/ACC/Level 3 Booths: Any product left in storage after 12:00 noon on Friday, March 7 will be donated to the food bank.
  • Be sure to arrange for your return shipper/carrier to check in the marshalling yard by 10:00 am, Friday, March 7 to pick up any product shipping back. A Cold storage material handling form (with Refrigerated or Frozen clearly indicated next to the carrier's name) must be turned in to the GES Cold Storage desk, prior to 10:00 am.

Storage & Delivery of Product by Day:

  • There will be no deliveries 90 minutes prior to show open.
  • Use the correct shipping label for the type of product (i.e., refrigerated, frozen) you are shipping.
  • Label all products with your company name, booth number, type of product, and day/date of desired delivery. If you do not properly label your product for delivery this could cause a delay in delivering your product to your booth.
  • Delivery to your booth is not automatic; You will have to place a labor order for each cold storage delivery or pick up for your booth. You should also Indicate the day you want the product to be delivered to your booth by circling the correct day on the shipping label for that box/carton.
  • Due to the large volume of deliveries each day, GES pulls and delivers full cases or pallets of products marked by day or date. If you provide a "shopping list" of items to be delivered (i.e., 1 strawberry, 2 bananas, 5 blueberries, 3 apples), you may incur additional labor costs for compiling specific items to be delivered. A delivery list of the product to be delivered from storage must be confirmed by 2:30pm, the day before scheduled delivery, with description and quantities, at the cold storage desk to ensure accuracy of items pulled.
  • There will be a labor charge for each access to and from the refrigerated/freezer units. To have the product brought to/from the booth or trailer, a labor order must be placed at the GES Cold Storage desk.
  • It is highly recommended that you place your delivery/pickup orders as early as possible as there are a finite number of deliveries/pickups that can be accommodated at any given hour. Please Note: There are no deliveries or pickups in the hour before the show opens on each show day.
  • GES delivers in the hour and not at a specific time i.e., if you place an order for 7:30 am, your product will be delivered between 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM.
  • A representative must be in your booth at time of delivery. GES will not be responsible for product compromised that is left in your booth during the delivery hour requested.
  • Labor for product inspection, sorting, or labeling must be ordered separately from delivery labor and will be billed a minimum of one (1) man-hour. This labor will be based on availability. This can be pre-ordered.
  • Exhibitors are not allowed on the Cold Storage Dock.